Monday, September 29, 2008

A lot as happened since our last post. Grandpa and I spent some time up in Utah for a family gathering and baby blessing. Grandpa and I really enjoyed spending time with Bonnie, Mike, Travis, Lexi, Chad, Meagan, Ashlin, Tayley, Derek and Jodi. While we were there we went to 2 picnics, the Utah State Fair and the girls had their pictures taken. At the fair, Lexi and Ashlin went fishing. Grandpa is SO EXCITED to have a new generation to teach fishing to :)!

After we got back from Utah, I went on another date with Ted. This time we spent the day at a time share with his family in Newport Beach. We met at the Newport Beach temple and did a session then Ted and i spent some time at the beach called Crystal Cove. We ate at a beach front cafe and walked around the tide pools. Ted's family and I then spent about an hour swimming in the time-share pool. We then we all got dressed to go to a ward dinner. I had a wonderful time with Ted and his family.