Wednesday, March 7, 2007

We have been busy the past couple of days with running errands and visiting G-ma. G-ma had a great day yesterday. She talked quite a bit, more then she has for the past year, and she remembered several trips we took in the past. G-pa asked G-ma if she wanted to move to Utah to be closer to family and to be able to come home. Her response was "Oh, that would be wonderful". So we are all praying that someone will buy our hose soon so we can get up there.

Grandpa has been severely congested for several weeks now and he doesn't seem to be getting much better. He has been to the doctors TWICE (and like most guys it takes a lot of forcing to get him to go once so he must be feeling horrible to go 2 times willingly). Today he also has vertigo to contend with so he has spent the entire day on the couch. Hopefully, he will feel better tomorrow.

Dad and Louise are hanging on too. Louise went to a doctors appointment yesterday and the doctor wants Louise to have surgery in the next couple of weeks. She will probably have to stay home from work for a month. For those who are reading this please pray for her so the surgery will go smoothly and she will recover quickly.

Well that's all the news for today. We hope all is going well with everyone. We love you and hope to hear from you soon.