Saturday, July 7, 2007

Hope all had a great 4th

Sorry its been a long while since we posted last. I was sick for a week and then we were on vacation for a week. We went to our time share near San Diego. We had a lot of fun. We went swimming, Downtown San Diego twice and the Wild Animal Park.

We had a lot of events the past couple of weeks. It was Fathers Day, Grandpas 79th Birthday , Grandma and Grandpas 57th Wedding Anniversary and 4th of July. Busy time for G-pa to receive gifts. He got a mattress pad for his bed, a big calculator so he can see it, several books and a web-cam from Bonnie and Mike.

Bonnie came down and spent a week with us. It was nice having her around. It was so nice that she had a hard time getting back home (HEHEHE). First, she kept having to change the date and time she would be able to get on a plane. She ended up having to make arrangements to fly on a Southwest flight leaving OC Airport (about a half hour south of us) @ 10 AM. We get to the airort and it turns out Bonnies pass is for Skywest (not Southwest) so she was unable to fly out of OC. We had to take her the the Long Beach Airport (about an hour west from us) for a 4 o'clock flight. She finally made it home in time for 4th of July festivities.

In a few hours G-pa, Robin, Jason and I are going to the local animal shelter to adopt two new members to the family. Watch for the next post to see what we get and to meet them.


Bonnie and Mike Meyerson said...

Cam't wait to see what you come home with!

A. Bonnie

the meyersons said...

WAIT. You are getting animals?? I thought you were moving?!