We have Ripley now. Jason came up with the name Ripley because it is his (and Walt Disney's) favorite train at Disneyland. If you know Jason at all you know that his life revolves around trains and Disneyland. Ripley is about 4 months old and was a stray. She is SUPER SWEET as long as Cali and the birds aren't around. Ripley will literally plop in your lap to be cuddled. If you hold her she will scoot up to your shoulder and go to sleep.
The first few days, Ripley and Cali have not been getting along AT ALL. They have been fighting like well... like cats. It seems like one long cat fight. Last night the fighting seemed to have changed. Although there is still some hissing, it seems that they are playing roughly now. This morning when Robin and I brought Cali down, Jason and Ripley were already downstairs. Ripley was with Jason but as soon as she saw Cali she came racing over to find Cali. We hope they will be friends. 

Welcome Ripley! She's a cutie, for sure.
A. Bonnie
Snuggy little cats. Super cute.
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