Grandma did it again!!!!! For the past 3 years, between Thanksgiving and New Years Grandmas health deteriorates to where the doctors say that she won't live through the night. Well, she has proved the doctors wrong... AGAIN!!!!! I hope this annual tradition does not continue next year. Grandma is going to out live us all.
Grandma was released from the hospital today to go back to the care center. She still has some pneumonia but it should clear up soon. The rest of her infections are cleared too.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
She did it again
Posted by Amber at 3:18 PM 3 comments
Labels: family
Friday, December 7, 2007
Grandmas update
We just talked to Grandmas doctor and he said that she has between 2 days to 2 weeks to live. Her entire body, including her skin, is filled with infection. The infection is completely resistant to all of the medications that the hospital is giving her.
Two nights ago Grandpa and I spent 6 hours with her. She cried the entire time we were there, she never woke up but she just cried in her sleep. When she cried it made her coughing really bad. She had to be suctioned out a lot because she couldn't spit the gunk out. G-pa and I tried to comfort her but she would just cry harder if we touched her or talked. The only comfort that would work for a few moments was when I would hum (not sing) to her. We spent the entire 6 hours listening to her cry and cough with no way to comfort her. G-pa and I did a lot of crying too.
Posted by Amber at 10:52 AM 1 comments
Labels: family
Friday, November 30, 2007
Grandma was released from the hospital yesterday afternoon. Everyone thinks she was released too soon. She was still terrible yesterday and through the night. She had a hard time breathing. She needed complete oxygen, breathing treatments and needed to be suctioned out every half hour.
This morning the care center called saying that they were going to rush her to another hospital. The nurse in the care center didn't expect her to live through the day (again). A couple hours after G-pa, Dad and I arrived at the hospital, the doctor told us that they did a lot of tests on G-ma and they all came back normal. She has all the symptoms of pneumonia but her lungs are completely clear in x-rays only. But, every hour she has 1 cup of fluid drained from her lungs. G-ma will stay in the hospital until they can figure out what is wrong and get it all cleared up. We left the hospital at 8:30 and she seemed to be doing a tiny bit better, but not much.
Posted by Amber at 9:57 PM 2 comments
Labels: family
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Hello Everyone. We hope everyone had a FUNtastic Thanksgiving. Ours was great!!! Aunt Bonnie and Uncle Mike flew down to spend Thanksgiving with us. Dad and Louise also came over. It was Jasons 29th birthday so we had a little party for him. Robin and I put together a train puzzle of the steam engine we took in Durango and Silverton (interestingly the puzzle was the EXACT same engine (there are 6 different ones that take that route) we took and it had the car we rode in on it too). Robin and I also made Jason a shirt of him standing in front of the steam engine wearing a Conductors outfit. G-pa gave him some train videos and a train car to go to his Polar Express train. Dad gave him $50. Bonnie was going to take Jason out to lunch to his favorite restaurant The Spaghetti Factory.
We had a FANTASTIC dinner. We all pitched in to make the dinner. We had turkey, cheesy potato's, green bean casserole, rolls, home-made stuffing and apple pie. YUMMY!!!
The day after Thanksgiving was not a good day. Robin had to be at work at 3:30 in the morning because Kohls opened at 4; we got a call at 5:30 from the care center G-ma is at to tell us she was jerking violently; we called the care center back at 9 to see how G-ma was doing only to find out that the care center called 9-1-1 because her oxygen levels were almost non-existent. we asked what hospital 9-1-1 took her to but the care center didn't know.; 4 hours later we track G-ma down and find out that she has double pneumonia a kidney and urinary tract infections. Each November-January of the past 3 years she has gotten the EXACT same thing. Each time G-ma is just moments away from dying for several weeks but somehow rallies and pulls through. Right now G-ma is getting anti-biotics and breathing treatments but she is still in very bad shape. PLEASE keep her in your prayers. We will update everyone on her condition.
Posted by Amber at 12:09 AM 2 comments
Labels: family
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Dads Birthday
Friday was my Dads 55th Birthday and he retires from his job on the 29th. For his birthday all of us took him to a special Halloween party at Disneyland. We had A LOT of fun!!!!! We got to Disneyland in the middle of the afternoon and spent most of the day going on rides and stuff. Then at 7 that night we went over to Disney's California Adventure (next door to Disneyland) where the Halloween party was being held. We spent until midnight going on rides, dancing and getting candy.
We all dressed up (except for G-pa) for the party. Dad and Louise wore Hawaiian shirts and lays. Jason went as a Disney Pin Trader, which isn't all that difficult for him to pull off considering that he has over 700 Disney pins. Jason was all decked out with his pin trading bag and hat and he had Disney shirts on. Robin and I decided that we would go as our favorite Disney character (Winnie the Pooh and Eeyore). I wore Eeyore pj's and slippers and a Eeyore purse that looks like a stuffed animal. Robin wore the same thing but with Pooh. It might have been childish wearing character pj's but when we didn't get home until 1 AM it was nice that all we had to do was climb into bed HEHEHE!!!!!
On Sunday we are going over to Dad and Louise's apartment to have cake and ice cream and give him the rest of his birthday/retirement present. We got him a record player/radio/CD player/tape player. It is REALLY nice. It looks like an old-fashioned oak radio. He has been wanting a record player for awhile now. He has A LOT of records that he hasn't been able to play, now he can. HAPPY BIRTHDAY & RETIREMENT DAD!!!!!!!!
Posted by Amber at 12:48 AM 1 comments
Labels: Disneyland, family
Monday, October 8, 2007
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Family Road Trip
We just returned from our 1,918.0 mile road trip. We traveled through the states of California, Nevada, Arizona, Utah, Colorado and New Mexico.
Our first stop was Lake Powell. Grandpa fished Lake Powell twice each year for 23 years. He wanted to see it again before he became completely blind. He also wanted Amber, Jason and I to experience it too since we haven't seen it yet. We took a 7 1/2 hour boat ride all the way to Rainbow Bridge and back. The water was about 100 feet below the full capacity mark. The scenry was breathtaking with all the beautiful rock formations. We also toured the the large dam that seperates Lake Powell from the Colorado River.
On our way to Colorado, we stoped off at Monument Valley, Mesa Verde and Four Corners. Monument Valley has many interesting and unique rock formations. Mesa Verde is a collection of many cliff dwelings where ancient people lived. Four Corners is where 4 states (Utah, Arizona, New Mexico and Colorado) meet together. This is the ONLY place in the US where 4 states meet together in one spot.
Then it was off to Durango, Colorado. This is where we went to catch a steam engine train to Silverton, Colorado. We spent 3 1/2 hours on the train going through the most spectacular sceanery in the country. Then we were able to spend 2 hours exploring the historic town of Silverton. It was beautiful. Then we spent another 3 1/2 hours on the train going back to Durango. It was BEAUTIFUL!!!! The tain followed the Animas River, a BEAUTIFUL river that was mostly an emerald green color. On our way out of Durango, we stopped and got our pictures taken at an old west picture studio. It was SOOOOOO MUCH FUN!!!!!! Amber and I dressed up as old west gun slingers. Grandpa was dressed as a getleman. Can you guess what Jason was dressed as???? He (of course) was dressed as a train conductor (Amber and I robbed his train).
Our last stop before arriving home was a trip to the Grand Canyon. Amber and I haven't been to the Grand Canyon since we were about 10. It was SOOO AMAZING how the Colorado River made such a HUGE canyon like that.
That night we stayed in Williams, Arizona. We wanted to see the town where my mom and her husband are gong to move to in about 3 years. It was a nice little town.
Then it was time to come home again (Amber and I couldn't talk Grandpa and Jason into staying gone longer) Oh well. We need to get home to grandma, and our birds and cats.
So untill next time... Enjoy some of the pictures we took.
Posted by Robin at 10:50 PM 0 comments
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Grandpas niece, Patsy, from Idaho came and spent 5 days with us. While she was here, she wanted to go to Disneyland, Knotts Berry Farm, Medieval Times, Universal Studios and the beach.
On Tuesday Robin, Jason and Patsy and I went to Knotts. Since my mom works at Knotts, she came too. We had A LOT of fun riding the rides seeing the shows and shopping. We really liked the old west section. After we left Knotts, we went to Medieval Times which is a dinner show where knights in shining armor battle for the right to be king. There are 6 knights and when you enter, you are assigned a knight to cheer for. OUR KNIGHT WON. There were beautiful horses that did tricks and there even was a falcon flying around. It was a GREAT show. The food was just as great!!! If anyone has the opportunity to see it, we highly reccomend it.
On Wednesday, we all went to Disneyland including G-pa, Dad and Louise. Chad, Meagan Ashlin and one of Meagans nieces also came along. It was a FANTASTIC day. We went on MANY rides and saw several shows. It was great being around so many family members. It was so great that Dad, Louise and Grandpa each got passes and think we should go to Disneyland at least once a month as a family. Also another good thing was that Grandpas knees did not hurt him at all during Disneyland and the entire next day.
On Thursday, Robin and I took Patsy to Universal Studios. We had fun seeing the shows and riding the 2 thrill rides. One of the shows we saw was based upon the movie Water World. We sat in the 1st row and was SOAKED even before the show started. There were people in the show throwing buckets and buckets of water at the audience. We got even wetter during the show. The 2 thrill rides we went was a water ride based on Jurrasic Park and a rollercoaster based on the movie Revenge of the Mummy. Jurrasic Park has a steep, tall drop that gets riders drenched. The rollercoaster is in the dark and goes REALLY fast then stops suddenly then goes backwards. They were great rides.
Friday we wanted to take an easy day so we went to the beach for a couple of hours, went out to dinner, went to Downtown Disney for a few hours and came home to watch a movie on our home movie projector. Patsy wanted to take some seashells home to her 14 grandchildren. Patsy and I waded in the water up to our waist to get the best shells. We also walked along the pier. It was fun once we got past all the sand in our clothes. Once we got home and showerd we went out to dinner to Red Lobster, Patsys favorite restraunt. Patsy then wanted to go pearl diving at Downtown Disney. We thought it would be fun if Robin Jason and I also could get pearls too, so we did. After Downtown Disney we came home and watched a movie projected above our fireplace. We watched Firehouse Dog. It was a cute movie.
Patsy went home today. We are sorry to see her go. We love having family and friends stay over and spend time with us. We hope other family will come and enjoy the accomidations of our "hotel". Bonnie, we bet you are jealous that Patsy got to see the cats before you did.
Next week Robin, Jason, Grandpa and I are going on our own vacation. We are going to spend a week touring Lake Powell and Durango Colorado. Grandpa wants to see Lake Powell one more time before he goes blind and Jason wants to go on the Durango Train. We will write more about this trip on our next blog.
Posted by Amber at 11:48 PM 2 comments
Labels: family
Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Posted by Amber at 2:41 PM 1 comments
Friday, August 3, 2007
For the 3 people who actually read our blog, we have had a busy couple of weeks. Robin and I went on a YSA camp out. There were 5 YSA wards there so there were lots of people, food and games. Robin and I were up until 3 AM playing games with a few of the other campers. One of the games had to be played on a big field so 16 of us squeezed into a mini van and drove to a field in the park we were staying at. It took us 2 hours to play and we didn't get back until 2 AM and then we sat and taked and played Moffia for another hour. On Saterday morning we had a BIG waterfight and other games. We had A LOT of fun!!!!!!!
Last week our family and about 5,000 other LDS people went to the 10th Annual Mormon Night with the Angels (the local pro baseball team). The Angels POUNCED the Detroit Tigers 13-6. The Angels got 6 of their runs in the 1st Inning. After the game, there was a great fireworks show. We all had a lot of fun and the family got to meet alot of the people in our YSA group.
The kittens are doing great!!! They LOVE being together. They keep each other entertained and out of trouble (sometimes)!!!! Ripley LOVES to chase 2 certain balls around the house. She chases thoes 2 balls around for hours. For a while the 2 balls were missing and Ripley was REALLY sad. Ripley wouldn't play or eat much. She would just lay around looking sad. Then last night she found the balls and she has been a little tornado ever since. Cali does everything she can to get Ripley to play with her and as soon as Ripley touches her she starts mewoing like Ripley is killing her. She is SUCH a WHINER!!!! Cali is also fearless. The only thing we have found that she is scared of is the vaccume. She LOVES jumping off high things and she LOVES to play rough and tumble with Ripley. For one so small she sure has a brave and tough spirit.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Welcome Ripley

Posted by Amber at 10:35 AM 2 comments
Labels: pets
Sunday, July 8, 2007
Meet Cali
As Amber said in her last post, we added 2 new members to our family!!!! Yesterday Grandpa, Dad, Jason, Amber and I went to the animal shelter to adopt 2 kittens!!!!!! Their names are "Cali" and "Ripley". This post will be about "Cali" because we only have pictures of her right now. This is due to the fact that "Ripley" is still at the shelter, waiting to be spayed.We will talk about Ripley in the next post. We have "Cali" right now because she was deemed too much under weight to have the surgery. So we will take her back in about a month or so to have her spayed too.
Amber and I named our kitten "Cali" because it is short for "California". Cali is 2 months old and SOOOOOO CUTE!!!!!!! Not only is she cute but she is also THE SWEETEST cat I know. She would much rather be with you than down on the ground playing.
Lastnight Grandpa was sitting on the couch and he felt something at his feet. When he looked down, Cali had come to lay at his feet and fell asleep. About 15 minutes later he put his feet up on the couch. After a few minutes, Amber heard him say "You little stinker". Cali had jumped up on the couch and got between his legs and fell asleep again!!!! It was SOOOOOOO CUTE!!!!!

"What RU look'n @?"

"Aren't I SOOOOOOO Sweet?"

"My family hopes I won't be a handful when I get bigger"

"This play gym is for the birds, but I'm taking over"
Posted by Robin at 10:11 PM 1 comments
Labels: pets
Saturday, July 7, 2007
Hope all had a great 4th
Sorry its been a long while since we posted last. I was sick for a week and then we were on vacation for a week. We went to our time share near San Diego. We had a lot of fun. We went swimming, Downtown San Diego twice and the Wild Animal Park.
We had a lot of events the past couple of weeks. It was Fathers Day, Grandpas 79th Birthday , Grandma and Grandpas 57th Wedding Anniversary and 4th of July. Busy time for G-pa to receive gifts. He got a mattress pad for his bed, a big calculator so he can see it, several books and a web-cam from Bonnie and Mike.
Bonnie came down and spent a week with us. It was nice having her around. It was so nice that she had a hard time getting back home (HEHEHE). First, she kept having to change the date and time she would be able to get on a plane. She ended up having to make arrangements to fly on a Southwest flight leaving OC Airport (about a half hour south of us) @ 10 AM. We get to the airort and it turns out Bonnies pass is for Skywest (not Southwest) so she was unable to fly out of OC. We had to take her the the Long Beach Airport (about an hour west from us) for a 4 o'clock flight. She finally made it home in time for 4th of July festivities.
In a few hours G-pa, Robin, Jason and I are going to the local animal shelter to adopt two new members to the family. Watch for the next post to see what we get and to meet them.
Posted by Amber at 12:30 AM 2 comments
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Jason has a kidney infection
Yesterday Grandpa allowed Jason and I to spend a few hours at Disneyland while he was visiting Grandma. As Jason and I were arriving at Disneyland, Jason got a sever pain on his right side. After a few minutes he was in agony. I immediately called Grandpa to ask what I should do. Grandpa told me to take him to the hospital so I did. Dad met me there a few minutes later.
The ER found out he had kidney stones but he also had a bad kidney infection. Jason spent the night in the hospital. He was released earlier today and is feeling fine now. He has some medication for his infection and he is suppose to take it easy for a couple of weeks.
While in the hospital all Jason was worried about was his Disneyland 50th Anniversary T-shirt he was wearing and getting about 40 Disney pins that our mom had for him. That's just like Jason!!!
P.S. Louise is recovering well from her surgery. Even the doctor is amazed about how well she is doing. Thank-you for keeping her in your prayers.
Posted by Amber at 6:45 PM 2 comments
Labels: family
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Louise's surgery
Lousie had surgery today. Everything went ok and she is doing fine. She is spending the night in the hospital and going home tomorrow morning. She is off work for 4 weeks for recovery. Keep her in your prayers that she will recover fast and there will be no complications.
Posted by Amber at 3:59 PM 0 comments
Labels: family
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
An eventful week for Mackenzie and Kiley

On Thursday night Alycia called us saying that Mackenzie had fallen and broke her arm (POOR KENZIE). She was playing on the monkey bars at the park and lost her grip and landed on her arm. Alycia ran over to her and said her arm looked like a golf ball was dangling fro

Posted by Amber at 2:12 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
G-pa wants another race
By the way, Grandpa also wants to race Ashlin in her hot Jeep. He says that is more of his speed. The winner still gets a sundae paid for by the loser. Since G-pa will get a head start with Jennys race, either Chad or Meagan can help Ashlin drive her Jeep for this race. HAHAHA
Posted by Amber at 9:06 PM 2 comments
Labels: family
Monday, May 28, 2007
Grandpa's New Ride!!!!
Posted by Robin at 1:42 PM 1 comments
Labels: family
Friday, May 25, 2007
Our Buick is sick
Our Buick has not been feeling well at all this week. On Monday we took the Buick in to get the gas gage fixed because it was being weird. We picked it up Tuesday morning. By Tuesday afternoon the gas gage went back to being weird so we took it back. G-pa picked it up Wednesday morning and on his way home from picking the Buick up and running a few errands, the battery went dead. Luckily we had a car charger to charge it up. G-pa took the Buick back to the shop to get a new battery for it. The Buick worked fine but we noticed the air conditioner wasn't working so on Friday we took it back to the shop so they could get the air conditioning to work. Friday afternoon the shop called us to let us know that when they put the new battery in, it messed up the computer that controls everything in the Buick so they would have to probably rebuild the entire computer system. The shop called today saying that they got it all fixed now. Hopefully the Buick is feeling much better now and nothing else will go wrong.
Posted by Amber at 2:49 PM 0 comments
Labels: family
Monday, May 21, 2007
Sorry (again) for the long time no update. It would be easier to update the blog if there were actually things to write about, but there isn't. Its the same ol same ol. Robin works most nights and the rest of us spend our days with G-ma. G-ma is doing ok, she just cries a lot because she thinks that she still hurts and she wants to come home.
Louise is having surgery on June 12th. She will spend the night in the hospital and then recoperate at home for one month. Please keep her in your prayers.
G-pas knees are still hurting. He has gone to 2 doctors about them but they can't do anything for them. G-pa is also upset because he has been unable to get some of his medication. The medical company (Medco) has been calling us everyday this month saying that they can't fill his perscription because they have been unable to get a hold of his doctor (Dr. Hess). They said that there was some information missing on the perscription and needed Dr. Hess to fix it. Dr. Hess has called Medco at least 4 times and has sent 3 faxes and has even sent them all new perscriptions. Medco still calls saying that they have no record of Dr. Hess speaking to or sending any faxes to them. G-pa has gone this entire month without some of his medication (including his pain pills) just because Medco can't get their act together. Dr Hess says that if G-pa doesn't recieve his medication today then he will press legal action against Medco. HAHAHA!!! I hope Dr. Hess gives it to them.
Posted by Amber at 1:30 AM 0 comments
Labels: family
Friday, May 4, 2007
We're back
We are back from our family vacation. We had a blast being around all the family. Aunt Bonnie took Robin and I to Park City to spend the whole day shopping at an outlet center. We got hats, a purse, shoes and some books. Aunt Bonnie bought us a book on how to find a guy and get married in less then a year (we think she is trying to tell us something).
We looked at some houses while we were up there. There were several houses that we really liked but G-pa still isn't willing to buy a house until we get this one sold. Boo-hoo!!
Travis, Jenny and Lexi, we hope you really enjoyed your Disney Cruise Vacation. Hope you took lots of pictures and post them on the Internet. We are glad you got to go and that some of Jenny's family were there also. HOW FUN!!!!!
Well we have to go see G-ma now, but we will post again soon. Love ya. Bye.
Posted by Amber at 3:27 PM 0 comments
Sunday, April 29, 2007
still on the trip
Hello everyone. We are still on vacation in Utah and Idaho. We spent a few days in Utah with our Aunt Bonnie and Uncle Mike and cousins. On Friday we (along with Aunt Bonnie) drove up to Idaho Falls and Rigby to see some family there. Friday night we arrived at Aunt Elaine (G-pas sister) and Uncle Evans house in Idaho Falls. G-pas other sister Kerri and husband Bob came over for dinner. It was really nice to talk to them.
The next day, we all went over to Bob and Kerri's for a HUGE family picnic. When Elaine and Kerri found out we were coming up, they called all their kids and their families to invited them to the picnic. Over 114 family members arrived. It was a BLAST being around SOOOOO MANY family members. It was the 1st time in 30 years that Aunt Bonnie had seen most of her cousins. She really enjoyed seeing them again and meeting MANY more for the 1st time. Robin and I had a lot of fun hanging out with our4 cousins that we haven't seen in 3 years.
We are back in Utah for a few days, we leave on Wednesday and arrive back home Thursday night. Today we are going to my cousins daughters 2nd birthday party. It will be fun to see her and interact with her. Well, we have to go now. We will update the blog later. Bye.
Posted by Amber at 1:56 PM 0 comments
Friday, April 20, 2007
been busy
,We are sorry for the long time without updating. We have been really busy. Last week Robin Jason and I took G-pa to Disneyland for the day. We all had A LOT of fun. Aunt Bonnie and Uncle Mike spent a few days with us. They came down for a family funeral of Bonnies uncle, Jim Amonette. Jim was a great man who will be missed by MANY people.
An interesting thing happened to me last week. I was sitting in the family room when i heard a bird fly into the window. I went to check to see if the bird was alright. As I opened the sliding glass door, I saw a Humming Bird laying on the ground. I picked the Hummimg Bird up and held and stroked the Humming Bird for about 10 minutes. It was amazing to hold a Humming Bird what is more amazing was that exactly 3 years to the day another Humming Bird flew into our window and I got to hold that one for 15 minutes.
Jason is on extended sick-leave for work because he is having complications with his siezier medication. The doctors are trying to figure out the best dose for him but until then he can't go to work. Hopefully they will get it straightend out soon.
G-pas knees are hurting him worse then they ever have before. He is in agoney every moment and nothing helps. He has an appointment with his knee surgon soon and maybe he can come up with something to help G-pa.
We are all planning a trip to Utah for awhile to look at houses and to visit family. We are also planning on visiting family in Idaho while we there. It will be a fun trip. We hope we will find a house that will live up to G-pas high expectations but I doubt it.
Posted by Amber at 4:35 PM 1 comments
Labels: Disneyland, family
Monday, April 9, 2007
Hope everyone had a happy easter
we hope everyone had a "Hoppy" Easter, we sure did. Robin and I spent several months planning a special birthday party for Grandma. Grandma was born on Easter Sunday in 1928 and this was the 1st time since she was born that her birthday fell on Easter. Since we are sure that Grandma never had a 1st birthday party and it was also the 1st time that Easter was on the 8th, we decided to throw her a 1st Bithday party. We decorated her entire room with 1st birthday and fun to be 1 decoratons and banners. Robin and I also gave her an easter egg hunt on her back patio. We also had a pin the egg on the rabbit game and The dice game. The party was a blast!!!!!
Robin and I also went all out on buying her presents. We got her a cute Princess hat that she can wear when she goes outside; a Build-a-Bear that says 6 different things; a ball that she can throw (which she did several times yesterday); several books that we can read to her when we visit her; an MP3 player that we downloaded music that she use to listen to when she was a teenager; a picture frame that says "Then and Now" that has a picture of Grandma when she was 1 year old and a picture of her that was taken of her on the 7th ;and many things that went in her Easter basket. Grandpa bought her several outfits and he and Bonnie and Chad bought her over 6 dozzen roses. They are absolutley beautiful!!!!
There were many people who came to the party. 10 people from the ward dropped by, Our best friend and her 2 daughters, Dad and Lousie came by for and hour, and of course Grandpa, Jason and Robin and I. We all had a lot of fun.
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Long time no post
We thought it was about time we updated our blog. I am adjusting to wearing contacts instead of glasses (now people are going to have to find a new way of telling us apart). On Monday and Tuesday it took me an hour to put them in and about 45 minutes taking them out. Yesterday it took me 1/2 an hour putting them in and 5 minutes taking them out. Today it only took 5 minutes to put them in. Hopefully I will keep getting better.
We are busy planning a special party for G-mas B-Day. She was born on Easter Sunday back in 1928 and this is the 1st time her B-Day has fallen on Easter since the day she was born. She has been waiting and hoping that she would be around for her B-Day to fall on Easter again. Since it will be her 1st B-Day/Easter we are giving her a 1st B-Day themed party. We are giving her 1st B-Day cards, balloons and put signs up. We hope she will have a good day so she will be able to enjoy and remember it.
On Monday G-ma had the best day she has had in years. When G-pa and I went into her room she said "I sure was mad today" and I asked her why she was mad and she thought for a while and responded "I don't know, but I was sure mad about something". Later on, G-pa was shaving off G-mas whiskers and trimming her eyebrows. During the trimming G-ma sneezed and it scared G-pa. G-ma burst out laughing and laughed for a good 15 minutes. she hasn't laughed so hard for so long in a very long time. She was also talking really good and understood all that G-pa and I were telling her. we told her about her party and she is getting excited for it.
G-pa recently took a trip to Utah to look at homes and property. There are several homes that he likes. Soon, we all are going to drive to Utah for a few days to look at the homes he likes and look at others. Hopefully we will be in Utah in the next couple of months (but we have been saying that for the past 3 years). Well that is all the news from the Thorntons. We will update again soon.
Posted by Amber at 1:24 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 19, 2007
We have been busy the past couple of days with work, doctors appointments, errands and visiting G-ma. G-pa and I had eye appointments a few days a go. G-pas eyes are holding on but may give out any time. My eyesight has gotten a lot worse. But instead of getting different glasses, I have decided to change to contacts. That's right, I can FINALLY stop wearing glasses after 19 years. My contacts have to be special made since I have Astigmatism. I should be getting them sometime this week.
Jason had an appointment with his neurologist today. The tests he took last week shows that he still has mini seizers several times a day. He has to double up on his medication and go back in 2 months. The doctor also says that Jason shouldn't be left alone for more then 4 hours. We have to record on a calender the times and dates when Jason blanks out (when he doesn't respond to our questions or his eyes and his face freeze).
G-ma either sleeps all day or she doesn't sleep at all. On Saturday night G-pa and I were with G-ma for 6 hours. We left at 8:30 that night and she we still wide awake trying to climb out of bed. Yesterday G-pa and I left at 6 because she had been sleeping for about 4 hours.
G-pa is going to be in Utah for a few days to look at homes and property. He leaves tomorrow and comes home on Saturday. Robin and I are going to the Newport Beach Temple for a ward sealings assignment on Saturday. we are excited. We haven't been to the temple in along time because we have had to take care of G-pa and G-ma. Bonnie will be down to visit us soon. We are happy when she visits. Well, that's all the news today. We will probably write more tomorrow. Bye, Love you all.
Posted by Amber at 4:32 PM 1 comments
Friday, March 16, 2007
1 month Anniversary
It has been 1 month since Jacob has been gone. He was such miracle the 6 months he was on earth. He was an inspiration to all who loved him. He showed us all how to love, find joy and how to endure. Although he couldn't talk, sit up, or even breath on his own, he touched countless lives and was a true hero. Even though he is gone he is still changing others lives by making us want to live better and be like him. We miss you Jacob and we promise we will meet you and be able to spend eternity with you.
Posted by Amber at 6:18 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Nothing much has gone on in the Thornton house since the last post. Yesterday G-pa started feeling dizzy again so he was on the couch all day again. Today Robin had an in-grown toenail removed. Jason also has toenail problems and we are waiting for a referral from his doctor to have it taken care of. Bonnie was suppose to have come down from Utah for a visit but she is feeling miserable so she will come later. We hope she feels better soon. G-pa had the same thing that she has and after one month he still isn't over it yet.
The weather here in SoCal is HOT!!!! It has been in the high 90's for several days. The hot and dry Santa Ana winds are creating trouble. There is a big brush fire about 3-4 miles away that started on Sunday morning. The fire started when someone stole a car and then set the car on fire to destroy evidence. Hopefully the fire will be contained today or tomorrow. We hope everyone has a good week. We will post soon. Love you all!!!!!
Posted by Amber at 2:14 PM 0 comments
Labels: family
Wednesday, March 7, 2007
We have been busy the past couple of days with running errands and visiting G-ma. G-ma had a great day yesterday. She talked quite a bit, more then she has for the past year, and she remembered several trips we took in the past. G-pa asked G-ma if she wanted to move to Utah to be closer to family and to be able to come home. Her response was "Oh, that would be wonderful". So we are all praying that someone will buy our hose soon so we can get up there.
Grandpa has been severely congested for several weeks now and he doesn't seem to be getting much better. He has been to the doctors TWICE (and like most guys it takes a lot of forcing to get him to go once so he must be feeling horrible to go 2 times willingly). Today he also has vertigo to contend with so he has spent the entire day on the couch. Hopefully, he will feel better tomorrow.
Dad and Louise are hanging on too. Louise went to a doctors appointment yesterday and the doctor wants Louise to have surgery in the next couple of weeks. She will probably have to stay home from work for a month. For those who are reading this please pray for her so the surgery will go smoothly and she will recover quickly.
Well that's all the news for today. We hope all is going well with everyone. We love you and hope to hear from you soon.
Posted by Amber at 6:53 PM 0 comments
Labels: family